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MORE 2.0 announces opening of survey for 2021 & confirms 1 M tons registered recycled material used

Monitoring Recyclates for Europe (MORE), the EU harmonized digital platform to monitor the uptake of recycled polymers into products, is available again to be used by converters since the 1st of June 2021. After another successful collection year, the platform was closed for annual maintenance and updates in order to be fully compliant with the requirements of the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) to be a data collector. The objective of MORE is to monitor and register the plastics converting industry’s efforts to reach the EU target of 10 million tonnes of recycled polymers used annually between 2025 and 2030.

“We are delighted to open the updated MORE 2.0 platform to our plastics converting community in Europe which now includes certification and audit requirements. With MORE, our industry has the opportunity to continue showcasing its efforts towards a circular plastics economy and be more transparent on the volumes of recycled polymers they use in converting infrastructures. Having collected 1.000.000 T of recycled material used in products in its second year demonstrates that the converters community has widely accepted the MORE tool in Europe." Said EuPC Managing Director Alexandre Dangis.

A continuous strong participation of companies is vital for the good functioning and credibility of MORE vis a vis the public and legislators. EuPC will therefore continue to work closely with its members to guarantee a good promotion and distribution of MORE within the plastics converting industry. National Coordinators have been appointed in 14 countries, and they participate in the national monitoring process, with a mandate to provide easier access and ensure better coordination with national plastic converting industries. OEMs, brands, and polymer platforms are encouraged to stimulate registration of these volumes through increased value chain collaboration.

Together we continue to make MORE efforts to reach the EU targets towards 2025.


About MORE: MORE is the unified, digital platform to monitor the use of recycled polymers in the European plastics converting industry. MORE is helping the plastics industry to become more circular by collecting the volumes of recycled polymers that are used by plastics converting companies to create new products, and by stimulating a higher uptake of recycled polymers. Contact: /

About EuPC: European Plastics Converters (EuPC) is the leading EU-level trade association, based in Brussels, representing European plastics converting companies. EuPC totals about 45 national as well as European plastics converting industry associations and represents more than 50,000 companies, producing over 50 million tons of plastic products every year. The European plastics industry makes a significant contribution to the welfare in Europe by enabling innovation, creating quality of life to citizens and facilitating resource efficiency and climate protection. More than 1.6 million people are working in EU converting companies (mainly SMEs) to create a turnover in excess of € 260 billion per year. Contact: /


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