MORE Background
The idea to set up a platform that will monitor the uptake of recycled polymers into (semi-finished) products in Europe was born in 2018.
To this purpose, a task force was established, comprising out of representatives from the European Plastics Converters (EuPC), various National plastics associations (NPAs), sector associations and Polymer Value Chain platforms.
Its goal was to finalize a draft layout of the platform, suggest the platform’s name, appoint a European Coordinator for the platform, review and update a list of applications in which recycled polymers are used today and approve the start of a testing phase.
The testing phase, which lasted 2 months, started in February 2019, with 20 selected companies from Germany, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, France and Italy.
Since March 2019, the MORE website and the survey has been fully operational.
Once the platform was finalized, EuPC started signing partnership agreements with different NPAs. MOREover, the governance structure was established, comprising out of National coordinators & the European coordinator.
The platform is online since the 25th of April 2019 and was immediately available in seven countries: Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Belgium and the Netherlands.